M. Chiara Berra

M. Chiara Berra

Managing Associate

Chiara Berra was admitted to the Bar in Milan in 2002.




Professional background

She has been with Todarello & Partners since 2006. She was appointed Managing Associate in december 2020. Before that, from 1996 to 2005, she practised with a Milan Law Firm specialised in Public Law and gained a significant experience in Administrative and Tax law.

Academic background

Chiara Berra graduated in Law from Università degli Studi, Milan in 1996.


Expropriations in the renewable energy sector: the old regime confirmed (with a positive change).

Our Legislator is accustoming us to strong emotional shocks. The very latest news on expropriations in the renewable energy sector, however – in a context worthy of more thoughtful reflection – offer reassuring elements. We had left off with a note in which we wondered whether,...

Renewables: Will expropriation still be possible for renewable energy plants?

In our note of 23 October we provided an overview of the changes introduced by the so-called DL Ambiente (Decree Law No. 153 of 17 October 2024). Here, we would like to focus on a specific provision within this Decree, namely Article 1 paragraph 2, which concerns the renewable...

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