
Todarello&Partners wins the new “Environmental” category at the TopLegalAwards.

At this year’s “TopLegalAwards”, Todarello&Partners took first place in the “Environmental” category, introduced for the first time this year. The Firm “impressed the Jury with the high political and social profile of the cases it handled. Such as the defence of Mittel” in the case brought to fight the “Ministry of the Environment order for the environmental clean-up of a number of sites,” compliance with which “would have involved a cost of over 3 billion Euros”. These are the grounds mentioned in the Jury’s citation.
“We are delighted to share our satisfaction at this major accolade with all our clients and the wonderful Todarello&Partners team” commented founder Fabio Todarello, together with partners Massimo Colicchia, Giuseppe Fuda and Federico Novelli.

To learn more: https://bit.ly/33hOMM7

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