Francesco Schiano di Cola

Francesco Schiano di Cola


E’ iscritto all’Ordine degli Avvocati di Napoli dal 2007.




Professional background

Francesco Schiano di Cola joined the firm in 2019. He was appointed Counsel in december 2020.

Prior to joining T&P, Francesco was an associate at Lombardi e Associati in Milan in the administrative law department (2012-2019) and, before that, with Law Firm Angelone – Caputo in Naples (2003-2012), where he gained significant experience, both judicial and non-judicial, in the building and urban planning sectors, public contracts and procurement, environmental law, commerce, public liability, expropriations, health law, energy and real estate.

Academic background

Federico II University, Naples, 2004 – Post Graduate School for Legal Professions.

Federico II University, Naples, 2001 – Law Degree.

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